Belarus' domestic tourism has great untapped potential, Sports and Tourism Minister Sergei Kovalchuk told journalists at a joint meeting of the Presidium of the Federation of Trade Unions and the collegium of the Sports and Tourism Ministry, BelTA has learned.
“Domestic tourism will be in focus of today's meeting. We should give a fresh impetus to domestic tourism together with the Federation of Trade Unions, which is our key partner. Currently, a third of domestic tourists vacation at the facilities run by trade unions. It is very important for us to explore and untap the tourism potential in all regions of the republic. We have ambitious plans and we will embark on implementing them this year. Today we will discuss these projects in greater detail. These are new tourist routes and food tourism, including some forgotten dishes. We want to revive them and put them back on the tables of our people. All in all, today's agenda is quite extensive,” Sergei Kovalchuk said.
According to the minister, last year the country's tourism industry performed quite well despite the sanctions. “We see a huge amount of potential for domestic tourism, waiting to be tapped into,” he stressed.