Belarus celebrates its National Emblem and National Flag Day.

This holiday has been established by the Presidential Edict of the Republic of Belarus in 1995 and since then it has been celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

In accordance with Article 19 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the symbols of our country as a sovereign nation are the National Flag, the National Emblem and the National Anthem.

The standard and the Charter on National Flag were approved by the Presidential Edict of the Republic of Belarus from June 7th, 1995, as a result of the republic referendum of May 14th, 1995, which contained the question about state symbols.

On July 5th, 2004, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Symbols of State of the Republic of Belarus” was adopted. It was aimed at legal regulation of the Belarusian Symbols of State that were established by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, and it states the description and ways of their usage.

National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus is a green contour of the country, that is placed on the golden rays of the Sun that is rising over the globe. Above the contour there is a red five-pointed star. The emblem is surrounded by the crown of golden pieces of rye entangled by clover flowers on the right and blue flax on the left. The crown is enwrapped by a red and green ribbon, on which at the bottom it says “Republic of Belarus”. This image on the emblem represents the best traits of Belarusian people, which are hardworking nature, strive for freedom and patriotism.

National Flag of the Republic of Belarus is a rectangular sheet of two horizontal stripes of red and green colour. Near the flagpole there is a Belarusian national ornament of red colour on white background. Red colour on our flag is the colour of the Red Army and Belarusian partisans who freed our land from the fascists. Greed colour is the colour of our forests and fields, a symbol of spring, hope and rebirth. White colour of the ornament is the metaphor for the spiritual purity of Belarusians. The flag is attached to the flagpole of golden colour.

National Emblem and National Flag of the Republic of Belarus use simple means to show patriotic, historical and cultural traditions of the country, the character and the spiritual potential of the people. They have bright features that are easily recognizable among all Symbols of States in the world. Symbols of State – the emblem and the flag of Belarus – are the history and the future of Belarus as a state, the embodiment of the idea of national unity, the most important attributes of sovereignty and independence of the Motherland.

Source: BelTA